Quantum Cryptography vs Symmetric Cryptography

October 11, 2021

Quantum Cryptography vs Symmetric Cryptography

Cryptography is the practice of protecting information from being accessed by unauthorized parties. It involves the use of algorithms and protocols to encrypt and decrypt messages, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity. Cryptography plays a crucial role in modern-day communication, where sensitive information flows seamlessly over the internet.

There are two main types of cryptography: Quantum Cryptography and Symmetric Cryptography.

Symmetric Cryptography

Symmetric Cryptography, also known as private key cryptography or secret key cryptography, involves the use of the same secret key for both encryption and decryption of messages. The key should only be known to the sender and the recipient. This method has been used extensively for years, and it is still the most common method of encryption in use today.

Symmetric key cryptography provides a faster and more efficient way of encrypting messages. The algorithms used are often more straightforward, requiring fewer computational resources. It is for this reason that symmetric cryptography is the preferred method to encrypt large volumes of data.

However, there is a major weakness in symmetric cryptography, and that is the key distribution problem. The problem arises when the sender and the recipient need to share the key securely. If the key falls into the wrong hands, the encryption is quickly compromised, and the information becomes vulnerable.

Quantum Cryptography

Quantum Cryptography, also known as public key cryptography or asymmetric cryptography, is a newer and more sophisticated approach to encryption. It involves the use of two keys, a private key, and a public key. The private key is kept secret by its owner, while the public key is openly distributed to anyone who wants to send a message.

Quantum Cryptography relies on the laws of quantum physics to provide a secure method of encryption. It uses the principle of entanglement to guarantee that any eavesdropping will be detected, and the message will become unreadable. Unlike symmetric cryptography, Quantum Cryptography does not suffer from the key distribution problem, as the keys are not shared but are generated independently.

However, Quantum Cryptography has its limitations. It is much slower than symmetric cryptography, with some implementations requiring up to ten times longer than symmetric cryptography. Additionally, the infrastructure required to implement Quantum Cryptography is costly, and it is not accessible to everyone.


When comparing the two approaches to cryptography, it is clear that each has its advantages and disadvantages. Symmetric Cryptography provides a faster and more efficient way of encrypting messages, making it the ideal method to encrypt large volumes of data. On the other hand, Quantum Cryptography provides a secure and unbreakable method of encryption, making it ideal for situations where security is of paramount importance.

Regardless of the approach chosen, it is essential to keep in mind that no encryption method is perfect. Each method can be compromised through various means, including brute force and social engineering. Therefore, it is essential to consider the sensitivity of the information being shared and choose the most appropriate encryption method.


Both Quantum Cryptography and Symmetric Cryptography have their advantages and disadvantages. It is up to users to decide which method is most appropriate based on their need for security and efficiency. While Quantum Cryptography provides an unbreakable method of encryption, it is slower and costly to implement, making Symmetric Cryptography the preferred method for encrypting large volumes of data.

However, it is important to keep in mind that no encryption method is perfect, and each can be compromised through various means. Therefore, it is essential to choose the most appropriate encryption method based on the sensitivity of the information being shared.


  1. National Institute of Standards and Technology
  2. European Union Agency for Cybersecurity
  3. IBM Quantum

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